Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chik-Fil-A: Is this really ALL necessary?!!!

While facts about my personal life would give some the impression that I fully disapprove of Chik-Fil-A’s appreciation day today, you have been deceived. And some would then turn around and say that I fully support it, which I don’t at all. Let me just say that there are two sides to every fight, and both sides are starting to get on my nerves.
I get it; gay people want to get married. Hell, I want to get married someday. But do we really have to make a big political statement because a CEO was asked about his personal belief and he answered truthfully? First amendment rights give us as Americans the freedom of speech. He was clearly just giving his own personal belief that he did not support same-sex marriage. And of course in this day and age, we all take it personally and run with the controversy. Soon there were protests, planned boycotts, even the freakin’ Muppets had to get involved. It’s all just getting a little blown out of proportion.
For one thing, he didn’t say he hated gays. He didn’t condemn all gays. He doesn’t show any signs of discrimination with who he hires. As a Christian man, he just said he doesn’t support gay marriage. Not everyone does, and this is nothing new. Sure it’s upsetting because after all, we just want to be appreciated and respected. We just want to live the same way that everyone else gets to live. But I get it, not everyone is comfortable with it. Not everyone is supportive. Not everyone is ready for the massive amount of gays to take over and marry one another so fast! (But honestly, would those not be THE most fabulous weddings EVER?!!!) We should be able to take someone’s personal point of view and be respectful of what they believe. Is this not what we want too? Should we not practice what we preach? After all, I’ve said it time and time again, not everyone is the same. The differences between all of us, the things that make us all unique and special make this country in itself very unique and special.
And for one more thing I disapprove of, rubbing it in their faces and saying that all gays should display public displays of affection in front of Chik-Fil-A is not going to help at all. I feel like this is a mainstreaming problem, which of course I hope doesn’t get taken as far as it has been on True Blood this season. But in all seriousness, for the gays who are trying so hard not push anyone’s buttons and not shove a gay agenda down their throats (seriously, no pun intended), it's not fair for them as others think having public displays of affection will do something to help the cause. So we want the world to think that all gays are horny couples who do nothing but wear skimpy clothes and make out with each other? Ok maybe it’s not that extreme, but the making out in public part sure is a benefactor as to why it’s so hard for us gays to get away from the many stereotypes we have within.
I don’t like Chik-Fil-A NOT because their CEO disapproves of gay marriage. I don’t like Chik-Fil-A because I think their menu is boring and their chicken is bland and too chewy. This isn’t a political statement. I’m just giving my opinion.
We should really learn to not take things so personally. Or at least if we do, we should handle ourselves productively and respectfully instead of a “he-said-she-said” type of ordeal. It’s unnecessary for an appreciation day to be in effect for a place like this (can’t we have an In-N-Out appreciation day? Because I know that’s some quality tasting food right there!!!) and it’s unnecessary for boycotts to be taking effect because one person said they don’t believe in something.
Let’s learn to be a little bit more civilized with each other the next time we have a situation like this, ok? Thanks...HOLLA!


  1. Great post!! Hope you don't take too much crap over it. We need this type of reasonable discussion from all sides. Thanks.

  2. This was a great post Vinny. Glad you wrote it! I agree in a lot of ways.

  3. Great post. There is agreement, but there is also tolerance and acceptance. We should all be united under the banner of a free America. - A Christian
