Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy ThanksGAYving!

As a gay man, I’m thankful for a lot of things…

I’m thankful for musicals. Whether it’s the sincerity of Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music, 
the power of J-Hud in Dreamgirls,
the sassiness of Rita Moreno in West Side Story,
or the romanticism of Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge,
they always know how to put a smile on my face!

I’m thankful for Tony Horton & Shaun T. Without them, my gay body physique would not exist or continue to build.
I’m thankful for fruity drinks. Lawd knows I can’t take anything straight (pun intended), so I’m eternally thankful for Malibu, Pinnacle, margaritas, Mike’s, and Three Olives.
I’m thankful for Liza, Barbra, Cher, Donna, Cyndi, and George for paving the way for musicians today and embracing the gays with open arms.
I’m thankful for GaGa, Madonna, Britney, Nicki, BeyoncĂ©, and Adam for keeping the faith and giving us music to dance to and appreciate.
I’m thankful for role models like Anderson Cooper, Zachary Quinto, Matt Bomer, Neil Patrick Harris, and Ellen, proving that being gay in Hollywood sometimes makes you even more special than the rest of the bunch. It gives me hope when I finally make it out there!
I’m thankful for Will & Grace. Nothing has and nothing will EVER replace this show in my heart. That is all…
I’m thankful for the best of friends that anyone could ever ask for. I’m thankful that nothing changed when I “came out”, that they love me no matter what. I’m also thankful that they’re all crazy as hell!
I’m thankful for my family, for always loving me through every high or low, for their unconditional support, and for their patience and understanding in whatever I do.
And most importantly I’m thankful for my faith, my beliefs, my Lord, and my everything. He made me this way for a reason, and although times are troubled, things may get extremely difficult, I have my faith to fall on, to support me in everything I do. I am forever thankful for all that He has done to bless with me with the life I have lived thus far.

Happy Thanksgiving. HOLLA!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy Three Years!

It’s been exactly three years since I came out of that ever-crowded closet, and I’ve never felt better!
Since that night I have to wonder, has anything significantly changed?

I am loved!
I realized just how many amazing family members and friends I have.
Of all the people I chose to tell in person, not a single one pushed me away or condemned me. It has been nothing but unconditional love and support.
Please be aware that this is just a SMALL sample of all the amazing people in my life!
I didn’t change in any way whatsoever, just became more confident.

Gay bars are scary.
I’ve only been to a couple since turning 21, and they are quite entertaining. Drag queens are fabulous (especially when they perform to Selena songs).
I did not realize that there literally are fifty shades of gay (queen, butch, twink, fem, daddy, bear, etc.). Every person there is prepared for the dance of a lifetime. Drinks are so much fruitier and  delicious.
And creepers gon’ creep, no matter where you go!

Still waiting for him
I’ve gone out with my fair share of frogs so far. Not a single one went past the first date (insert an image of me sobbing in my car while it rains, singing “All By Myself” at the top of my lungs).
The single life seems to fit me well, but there is still that ounce of hope that I’ll find that special someone. If that means more frogs until I find him, then bring it on! *ribbit*

I’m every woman, it’s all in me!
Ok, really I just wanted an excuse to quote Whitney (RIP girl).
But in all seriousness, how great is the gay culture? We dress well, we take care of ourselves (most of the time), we can decorate, we can perform our hearts out, we take part in government, we have kids, we don’t eat Chik-Fil-A (couldn’t resist).
We have Anderson, Matt Bomer, Liza, Spock, Barbra, GaGa, Madonna, Ellen, etc. (the list can go on forever).
We accept, love, and respect everyone and everything. And above all else, we are proud!

I’m happy to be who I am and to be where I am today in my life. Nothing gets me more excited than thinking about what else the future holds for me.